23 Ways To Reply To “How are you feeling now?”

Have you ever received a message asking, “How are you feeling now?” and found yourself unsure how to reply? 

Whether it’s from a friend checking in, a family member showing concern, or a colleague being considerate, knowing how to respond can sometimes be tricky. 

You want to be honest but also considerate of the person asking. 

Let’s explore 23 ways to reply to “How are you feeling now?” in English so you can express yourself clearly and thoughtfully.

23 Ways To Reply To How are you feeling now Infographics 1 23 Ways To Reply To "How are you feeling now?"

23 Ways To Reply To “How Are You Feeling Now?”

1. Much better, thanks for checking in.

2. Getting there, slowly but surely.

3. About the same, but staying positive.

4. A bit under the weather, but hanging in.

5. My brain is fried, but my heart is happy. 

6. Running on fumes, but hey, at least I’m moving.

7. Not too bad, thanks for your concern.

8. Just taking things as they come.

9. A little tired, but overall okay.

10. Feeling like I could use a nap… and a million bucks.

11. Still human, for now. But thanks for asking.

12. Still a bit off, but better than before.

13. Weathering the storm. Thanks for checking in.

14. Not at my peak, but hey, nobody’s perfect.

15. Feeling a bit sluggish, but coffee will fix that

16. Doing alright, how about you?

17. Feeling more like myself today.

18. Having a rough day, but your message cheered me up.

19. Not great, but not terrible either.

20. “Could use a hug, but a kind word is a good start.

21. On the mend, bit by bit.

22. Not 100%, but getting closer.

23. Just existing, you know?

Read More: How Was Your Day Flirty Response To A Guy

Much better, appreciate you checking in

This response expresses that you are feeling significantly better now and shows gratitude to the person for taking the time to check on you. 

Slowly but surely getting there

It shows a positive attitude despite the slow progress and suggests they’re hopeful about recovery.

About the same, keeping a positive attitude

 This lets you know their situation hasn’t significantly improved and adds a hopeful twist, showing you’re staying optimistic despite not feeling better yet.

A bit under the weather, but hanging on

It conveys that you aren’t feeling your best due to some minor illness or discomfort but reassures the person that you’re managing to get through it.

My brain’s tired, but my heart’s happy

This response indicates that while you might be mentally exhausted, you’re still feeling positive and emotionally uplifted. It balances acknowledging your fatigue with a cheerful note about your mood.

Running on fumes, but at least I’m still moving

It is a funny and relatable way to express feeling tired or depleted with an optimistic twist. It tells even though you’re low on energy, you’re still pushing forward and getting things done.

Not too bad, thanks for your concern

This response is a casual and neutral way to acknowledge your inquiry and It’s a simple update that lets them know you’re doing okay and that you appreciate their support.

Just taking things one step at a time

It suggests you might be dealing with a challenge or difficulty, but you’re staying calm and focused on making gradual improvements.

A little tired, but doing okay overall

This is an honest and positive response and it’s also a simple way to communicate your current state without dwelling on the negative aspect (tiredness).

Feeling like I need a nap… and a million bucks

It’s a lighthearted way to express both your tiredness and a touch of wishful thinking about wealth.

Still human for now, thanks for asking

It suggests they might be feeling a bit tired or overwhelmed, but they’re still functioning normally.

Still a bit off, but better than before.

This response is positive and shows improvement while acknowledging you’re not quite at 100% and It’s a realistic update that shows they’re moving in the right direction.

Weathering the storm, appreciate you checking in

It’s a strong and hopeful response. It acknowledges the difficulty without dwelling on it, and expresses gratitude for your thoughtfulness.

Not at my best, but nobody’s perfect

This response is honest and relatable, acknowledging their shortcomings with a touch of humor and It’s a simple way to communicate you’re having an off day but are okay with it.

Feeling sluggish, but coffee will fix that

This clearly communicates you’re lacking energy and motivation but also shows you’re aware of their state but confident you can improve it.

Doing alright, how about you?

This response is a casual and neutral way to acknowledge the question while turning the focus back to the other person.

Feeling more like myself today

It’s a simple update that conveys a sense of improvement and a return to their normal state.

Having a rough day, but your message cheered me up

It’s a genuine response that lets them know you’re struggling but also acknowledges the positive effect they’ve had on you.

Not great, but not terrible either

It’s a simple update that avoids dwelling on negativity and paints a picture of a situation that’s somewhere in the middle.

Could use a hug, but a kind word helps

This openly expresses a desire for comfort and physical affection and shows you’re seeking emotional support and appreciate their efforts to provide it, even if it’s not in the form of a hug.

On the mend, bit by bit

This clearly communicates you’re recovering from an illness, injury, or difficult situation.

Not 100%, but getting closer

This response is positive and indicates improvement, similar to “On the mend, bit by bit” but with a more specific reference to not being at 100%.

Just existing, you know?

It’s a simple way to communicate a lack of motivation or excitement,  perhaps hinting at a desire for something more fulfilling.

How To Answer How Are You Feeling When Sick

When you’re feeling under the weather and someone asks Are you feeling better now, it can be tricky to find the right reply. 

You want to be honest about your condition without sounding too negative or whiny. 

Here are some thoughtful and considerate ways to respond to how are you feeling when sick on text

  • I’m not feeling great, but I’m managing.
  • Pretty sick, but I’m taking care of myself
  • Feeling rough, but hoping to get better soon.
  • Not at my best, but staying positive.
  • Thanks for asking, I’m sick but getting the rest I need.
  • Feeling under the weather, but I appreciate your concern.

How Are You Feeling Today Answer In An Interview

In an interview setting, it’s important to project a positive and professional image.

Here are some excellent responses to “How Are You Feeling Today?” in an interview setting, along with slight variations to showcase your personality.

  • I’m feeling great, thanks for asking! I’m excited to be here. 
  • I’m doing well, thank you for asking. I’m feeling prepared. 
  • I must admit, I’m a bit nervous.
  • I’m feeling optimistic about this opportunity.

How To Respond To How Are You When You Are Not Well

Even when you’re not feeling your best, you can still respond to “How are you?” in an interview or other professional setting in a way that maintains professionalism and doesn’t raise red flags. 

  • I’m doing alright, thank you for asking.
  • I’m hanging in there, thanks.
  • Thanks for asking, I’m managing.
  • I’m doing alright, How about you?


Finding the right ways to reply to “How are you feeling now?” can make a big difference in how you communicate with others, especially when it comes to expressing your true feelings. 

Whether you’re feeling fantastic, a bit off, or somewhere in between, having a variety of responses ready can help you convey your mood accurately and thoughtfully.

Remember, your words can bring comfort and clarity to those who care about you, so choose responses that reflect your genuine state. 

Next time someone asks, “How are you feeling now?” you’ll be prepared to answer with honesty and grace.

About the author
Lucas Mateo
Hi, I'm Lucas Mateo having 10+ years of teaching English, but textbooks lack the real-life sparkle. So, I created Tipsy Tiaras! Here, ditch the dull and learn to talk like a pro with expert tips & confidence-boosting fun!

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