How Was Your Day Response To Crush

Did you get a text from your crush asking about how your day was?

It seems like such a simple question, but it can be quite tricky when you receive it from your crush. 

Now, if you want to come up with engaging responses & we’ve got it.

Look at these 30 flirty responses to ‘How was your day’ to spark your conversations.

How Was Your Day Response To Crush Infographics How Was Your Day Response To Crush

30 Flirty Responses To How Was Your Day To Crush

  1. Your message made my whole day!
  2. My day was going fine, but it just got a whole lot better.
  3. Thanks! Your wish always gives spark to my day.
  4. My day is officially made now that I’ve heard from you.
  5. Your wish puts the biggest smile on my face.
  6. My day is instantly better now that I’m talking to you.
  7. Your message just made my heart skip a beat.
  8. Hearing from you is like a breath of fresh air in my day.
  9. Your message just made my day 100 times better.
  10. Thanks! You always know how to make my day.
  11. My day is always brighter when it starts with your message.
  12. Your message just made me so happy.
  13. Your message just made me grin from ear to ear.
  14. You have no idea how much your wish means to me.
  15. My day just got instantly better thanks to you.
  16. Pretty good, but seeing your name pop up made it way better.
  17. Thanks for brightening my day with your message.
  18. Your message just made my heart melt.
  19. My day just got a million times better thanks to you.
  20. Hearing from you is the highlight of my day.
  21. Thanks for brightening my day with your thoughtful message.
  22. My day was going okay, but now you made it perfect.
  23. Your message just made me so happy I could burst.
  24. My day was fine, but hearing from you made it amazing.
  25. Your message just made me feel so special.
  26. My day just got instantly better thanks to you.
  27. Thanks for brightening my day with your message.
  28. My day was good, but now it just got even better. 
  29. Your message always brings a smile to my face.
  30. Your message just made me feel all warm.

Your message just lit up my whole day

This reply shows that the message from your crush brought immense joy and brightness to your day, making you feel happy.

Thanks! Now my day shines bright.

By expressing thankfulness for the message you’re indicating that it has brought positivity to your day and made it shine brightly.

Thanks! Your messages always add a spark to my day.

This appreciative response admires the impact of your crush’s message and admits that they consistently bring excitement and joy to your day.

Hearing from you has turned my day around completely.

Here you highlight the transformative effect of hearing from your crush and suggesting that their message has completely changed the course of your day for the better.

Your message brings the biggest grin to my face.  

You emphasize the happiness brought by your crush’s message and tell how it brings a wide and genuine smile to your face.

My day took a turn for the better as we started talking.

This is a sweet and flirty response. It tells your crush that their message brightened your day and made things more enjoyable.

Your message just sent my heart racing with joy.

You are letting them know that their message fills you with excitement and makes your heart beat faster with happiness.

Getting a message from you feels like a breath of fresh air.

This cute and complimentary response compares receiving a message from your crush brings a sense of relief from the ordinary routine.

Your message multiplied the happiness by a hundred.

It expresses the joy brought by your crush’s message and tells that it increases your happiness and makes it feel as if it has been multiplied many times over.

Thanks! You have a knack for making my day brighter.

You’re playfully admiring your crush’s talent for brightening your day and indicating they have a special ability to bring light and positivity into your life.

My day always starts on the right foot with your message.

This complimentary response tells your crush that their message is a positive and consistent way to begin your day.

Your message filled me with so much joy!

This heartwarming reply simply tells your crush their message made you really happy and filled you with a sense of joy which makes your day brighter.

Your message has me beaming from ear to ear.

This charmful response expresses the delight brought by your crush’s message and suggests it has made you smile widely from one ear to the other.

You have no idea how much your message means to me.

It is a deeper and more heartfelt response that hints at the importance of your crush’s message for you and leaves them curious about why it means so much.

My day was okay, but seeing your name made it infinitely better.

This text suggests that your day started as ordinary or average, but upon seeing your crush’s name or message, it instantly became much more enjoyable and meaningful.

Thanks for bringing sunshine to my day with your message.

You express regard to your crush for bringing brightness and positivity to your day with their message, likening it to making your day more enjoyable and bringing sunshine to your day.

Your message just melted my heart into a puddle.

This response conveys strong emotions and tells their warmth, melts your heart and leaves you feeling deeply moved and touched by their words.

My day just soared to new heights, all thanks to you.

This response tells the level of happiness and excitement raised in your day, all because of your crush’s influence and their presence or message has brought positivity to your day.

Hearing from you is the highlight of my day, every time.

This response highlights the importance of hearing from your crush and how they hold a special place in your heart and daily routine.

Thanks for refreshing my day with your thoughtful message.

 This appreciative response tells your crush their message was a welcome break and made you feel good. 

My day was cruising along, but now it’s reached perfection.

This playful response is a great way to show your crush how much their message brightened your day. It suggests your day was already good, but their message took it to the next level.

Your message filled me with happiness, I feel like I could burst.

It describes the overwhelming joy brought by your crush’s message and you feel like you could burst with emotion and have a positive impact on your mood and well-being.

My day was fine, but now it’s absolutely fantastic.

This simple yet effective response shows your crush and their message improved your day.

It turns your day into something truly fantastic. 

Your message just made me feel incredibly special.

It expresses the profound impact of your crush’s message and suggests that it makes you feel deeply valued and evokes a sense of being loved, which adds a special warmth to your day.

Thanks for being the well-wisher of my day yet again.

A complimentary response that builds on previous interactions. It tells your crush their wish consistently to make your day brighter.

Your message never fails to bring a smile to my face.

It calls attention to the reliability of your crush’s message in bringing joy and tells them their efforts always succeed in brightening your day and giving you a genuine smile.

Your message has me feeling all warm inside.

This slightly flirty response describes that your crush’s message evokes a feeling of warmth and comfort within you and makes you feel cozy and content inside. 

My day just got a whole lot brighter thanks to you.

This response confesses that your day has become more cheerful and positive as a result of your crush’s influence and presence or message making it brighter and more enjoyable overall.

Thanks for sprinkling some joy into my day with your message.

 Again you’re giving appreciation to your crush for adding happiness and positivity to your day with their message, which brings a sense of charm to your day.

My day was good, but now it’s on cloud nine thanks to you.

This sweet and playful response tells your crush your day was already positive, but their message made it fantastic.

How Was Your Day’s Response To A Girl

It might be a bit tricky to respond to the ‘How Was Your Day’ text when you received it from a girl you have a crush on.

If you respond properly with the flair of flirt, you can grab their attention even in text.

See these 5 Responses if you are a bit confused on how was your day’s response to crush girl

  • Can’t stop smiling, thanks for asking.
  • You’re like the highlight of my day
  • It was dull but now it has become much better.
  • Feeling butterflies every time you text.
  • Thanks for asking now my day is 10 times better

How Was Your Day Response To A Guy

Responding to the ‘How Was Your Day’ text from a guy you’re crushing on can be a bit tricky. 

But if you reply cleverly with a hint of charm, you might just catch their eye, even through text.

See these 5 Responses if you are a bit confused on how was your day’s response to Crush Bo

  •  You’ve brightened my day with your text.
  • From dull to delightful, all because of you.
  • Thanks for asking, my day just got a whole lot brighter.
  •  Can’t wipe this smile off my face, all thanks to you.
  • Every time my phone buzzes with your message, it’s pure happiness.


From the excitement of getting a ‘How was your day’ text from your crush to the nervousness of sharing emotions, it’s clear that Online chats are a big part of teen love stories. 

As we finish, let’s remember that even in text, real feelings matter. 

So, how was your day’s response to a crush over text making special moments and memories so unique, and one honest message can make someone’s day better.

About the author
Lucas Mateo
Hi, I'm Lucas Mateo having 10+ years of teaching English, but textbooks lack the real-life sparkle. So, I created Tipsy Tiaras! Here, ditch the dull and learn to talk like a pro with expert tips & confidence-boosting fun!

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